Frequently Asked Questions

How does Your Kratom tree genetics compare to the different strains on the Kratom powder market?

At Texas Coast Botanicals we label our Kratom “strains” based on the region that they originated from. Every Kratom tree is unique and offers it own set of characteristics. This means there is variation between Kratom trees that are grown in different regions across Southeast Asia. The different “strains” on the Kratom powder market are inconsistent and based mostly on the drying/curing methods used by the farmer and not a specific Kratom tree strain. Visit our Kratom Research Partnerships tab to view research conducted on our trees and various other Kratom tree samples to compare and understand the differences each has to offer.

Which Kratom trees on your website have red, green or white veins?

Every Kratom tree produces red, green and white veins. There is actually no such thing as a vein-specific Kratom tree. When new leaves emerge on a seed-grown Kratom tree, the veins will be blood red for the first month. As time goes on, the vein colors will then begin to turn white or green the longer the leaves stay on the tree.

Do you have a Maeng Da Kratom Tree?

Sources say that true Maeng Da Kratom originated from a specific plantation that had specific genetics that made it so special. Whether that was true or not, the market today is saturated with the term Maeng Da and is used to describe a specific profile of Kratom caused by the drying/curing process of the farmer.

How long can Kratom seeds last before going bad?

There is a lot of misinformation on the web about Kratom seeds, in particular their low viability and short shelf life. First things first you need to make sure you are getting seeds that were properly pollinated and sent within 1-2 weeks of harvesting from the trees. Once you procure your seeds, storing them in an air-tight jar/container with desiccant packs (moisture absorbing packs) in a dark environment like a cabinet will guarantee your seeds remain viable over 10+ months. In addition, with good quality seeds, it is very easy to germinate them once you have the correct process down and very common to have 70%+ germination success rate. Follow our procedure to germinate your Kratom seeds to assure you have success!

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